
Thursday 11 November 2021

► मुंबई दिघी सागरी प्रवास पावणेतीन तासात ►Mumbai - Dighi (Shrivardhan) sea voyage in just 2 hours 45 minutes.

 मुंबई दिघी सागरी प्रवास पावणेतीन तासात.

Mumbai Dighi sea voyage in just 2 hours 45 minutes.

२० गाड्यांसह २६० पर्यटक वहन क्षमतेची अत्याधुनिक बोटसेवा सज्ज.

गेटवे ऑफ इंडिया मुंबई ते मांडवा (अलिबाग) कॅटमरान बोट सेवा आणि भाऊचा धक्का (मुंबई) ते मांडवा रो-रो बोट सेवा सुरु झाल्यानंतर आता रायगडमध्ये येऊ इच्छिणाऱ्या पर्यटकांना आणखी एक आनंदाची बातमी म्हणजे मुंबई ते दिघी या सागरी मार्गावर अत्याधुनिक हायस्पीड बोट सेवा येत्या डिसेंबर महिन्यापासून सुरु होत आहे.

 २० चारचाकी गाड्या आणि २६० प्रवासी वाहून नेण्याची क्षमता असणारी अत्यंतगतीमान अशी ही अत्याधूनीक बोट मुंबई ते दिघी हे सागरी अंतर केवळ पावणे तीन तासात पार करणार आहे. मुंबई ते दिघा या सागरी मार्गावरील काशीद, मुरुड-जंजिरा, दिवेआगर , श्रीवर्धन आणि हरिहरेश्वर येथे येणाऱ्या पर्यटकांना या अत्यंत आल्हाददायक सागरी प्रवासाचा आनंद देखील घेता येणार आहे. अत्याधूनीक हाय स्पीड बोट सुविधेमुळे पर्यटकांना या बोटीतून आपल्या स्वतः च्या कारसह थेट कोकणात पर्यटनासाठी पोहोचता येऊ शकणार आहे. मुंबई-गोवा राष्ट्रीय महामार्गाचे रखडलेले काम आणि सद्यस्थितीतील त्यावरील प्रचंड खड्डे या कारणास्तव स्वतःची कार घेऊन कोकणात येण्यास पर्यटकांची मानसिकता नसते. त्याचाअत्यंत विपरित परिणाम पर्यटन व्यवसायावर झाला आहे. खड्डेमय महामार्गाचा त्रास आणि त्या निमीत्ताने प्रवासात येणारा ताण दूर करून कोकणच्या निसर्गसौंदर्याचा आनंद पर्यटकांना सागरी प्रवासातून घेता यावा अशा पर्यटनाच्या अभिनव संकल्पनेतून मुंबई ते दिघी हायस्पीड बोटीची संकल्पना पुढे आली आहे. पर्यटन व्यवसायामधील संधींचा वेध घेऊन, तसेच अलिबाग मुरुड तालुक्यांतील नागरिकांना मुंबईचा प्रवास वेगाने सुलभतेने व्हावा या हेतूने आमदार जयंत पाटील यांनी गेटवे ऑफ इंडिया मुंबई ते मांडवा (अलिबाग) या सागरी मार्गावर खासगीकरणातून अत्याधुनिक कॅटमरान बोट सेवा उपलब्ध करुन दिल्यानंतर पर्यटक येण्याचा ओघ वाढल्याने तसेच तो कायम टिकून राहील्याने अलिबाग मुरुड तालुक्यांतील पर्यटन व्यवसायाला गेल्या १० ते १५ वर्षांत मोठी उभारी मिळाली आहे. त्यानंतरच्या टप्प्यात मालदार आणि अजिंठा बोट सेवा खासगीकरणातून सुरु झाली. आणि तिसऱ्या टप्प्यात भाऊचा धक्का (मुंबई) ते मांडवा रो-रो बोट सेवा सुरु झाल्यानंतर आपल्या स्वतः च्या कारसह पर्यटक अलिबाग मध्ये पोहोचू शकले आणि येथील पर्यटनाचे स्वरूपच बदलून गेले. अशाच पद्धतीने आता मुंबई ते दिघा हायस्पीड बोट सेवा येत्या डिसेंबर महीन्यात सुरू झाल्यानंतर काशीद ,मुरुड जंजिरा, दिवेआगर, श्रीवर्धन, हरिहरेश्वर येथील पर्यटन उद्योगाला खूप मोठी चालना मिळणार आहे. या परिसरातील पर्यटन उद्योग प्रचंड वेगाने विकसित होऊ शकणार आहे.

 दरम्यान मुंबई ते दिघी हायस्पीड बोट सेवा समृद्ध कोकण चळवळीचे आधारस्तंभ आणि परदेशात याच क्षेत्रात कार्यरत कोकणचे सुपुत्र गौतम प्रधान हे सुरू करत आहेत. त्यांच्या या उद्योगामुळे आणि उपक्रमामुळे कोकण पर्यटन विकासाला खूप मोठी चालना मिळणार असल्याची माहिती समृद्ध कोकण संस्थेचे प्रमुख संजय यादवराव यांनी दिली आहे. जगभरातील देशातील कोकणी उद्योजकांनी कोकणात अशा स्वरूपाचे विविध उपक्रम भविष्यात विकसित करावेत याकरिता ग्लोबल कोकण संस्थेचे कायमच सहकार्य राहील असेही यादवराव यांनी पूढे सांगीतले.

 Courtesy: Pudhari (Raigad Edition) अलिबाग: जयंत धुळप

Sunday 3 October 2021

►Mumbai property registration records a 10-year high in September 2021

Mumbai property registration records a 10-year high in September 2021

The registrations of property in Mumbai have witnessed a 10-year high in the month of September. As per the data received from the Government's Department of Registration and Stamps, 7,799 properties were registered in Mumbai, a 15 per cent rise compared to August 2021, which saw sale of 6,784 units. When compared to September 2020, it is a rise of 39 per cent in spite of the stamp duty cut announced by the government during that period.

The September registrations fetched the state government over Rs 525 crore in stamp duty collections. Realty developers anticipate the pace of both sales and launches to improve further in the ongoing festive season.

The director of the Transcon Developers Shraddha Kedia-Agarwal said, "In the past few months, the residential real estate market has become more lucrative for the homebuyers and investors thanks to the low prices, increased transparency and better returns. The homebuyers too are making the most of this opportune time to invest in the desired properties."

Similarly, VP of Satellite Developers Private Limited (SDPL) Himanshu Jain, said, "The residential market has lately seen a price correction which has augured well for homebuyers to purchase a property especially the first-time buyers. With such a conducive environment, fence-sitters are coming forward to invest in their choice of property, mostly ranging from affordable to mid-segment categories. Owing to the current scenario of the pandemic, consumers have also realised the importance of owning a home."

The executive director of the Guardians Real Estate Advisory, Ram Naik believes that the robust vaccination drive has helped the real estate sector to get back on the recovery trail. He said, "From the consumer perspective, the demand surge is primarily because the people want to upgrade their existing properties in search of larger space. Even the millennials who have shied away from real estate are looking out for their first home. The other factors like low housing loan rates, discounts, and flexible payment schemes offered by developers have played a pivotal role."

Courtesy: The Free Press Journal 

Wednesday 29 September 2021

► Maharashtra to develop monsoon tourism in the Konkan region

Maharashtra to develop monsoon tourism in the Konkan region

Monsoon tourism in the Konkan region is to be developed by the Maharashtra government, as per Tourism Minister, Aaditya Thackeray. The Maharashtra government is also looking at developing the state into a cinema hub with a single vault of legendary films and scripts, according to the Minister. Thackeray said in a media interaction that the Maha Vikas Aghadi government is on its way to create excitement about tourism in the state of Maharashtra.

He further said that private participation is important in this regard, as the government can only be an enabler.

Thackeray also said that the private sector’s involvement despite the pandemic has been very encouraging. While talking about the problems faced by the state due to the travel restrictions, and the ongoing pandemic that has not ended, he said, "But, the focus is on what we can do now. Tourists who are fully vaccinated, as per central government norms, are welcome to the state. We are looking at domestic, international, inter-state and intra-state tourists."

The department of tourism in Maharashtra is currently focusing on how to maximize the tourism sector’s contribution to the GDP to the state, while also developing employment opportunities in the state.

Thackeray says that the endeavor of the state government is to ensure international travelers move around Mumbai and rest of the state for five to six days after they land for the first time here in India. The minister emphasized on the fact that the state has never pitched itself before the country and the world, despite having the best of landscapes.

Courtesy: TOI

Thursday 1 July 2021


Why to invest at Shrivardhan taluka and nearby region.

A promotional video by SAAT BARAH REAL ESTATE (Mhasla, Raigad)


Saturday 13 March 2021

►Machinery for extracting crude oil from the sea will now be built in Mhasla (DAS Company, Village Rohini) Raigad, India will become self-sufficient.

Machinery for extracting crude oil from the sea will now be built in Mhasla (DAS Company, Village Rohini) Raigad, India will become self-sufficient.

समुद्रातील कच्च तेल काढणारी यंत्रसामग्री आता  म्हसळा (दास कंपनी, गाव रोहिनी) रायगडमध्ये बनणार, भारत बनणार आत्मनिर्भर.

Special report by ABP Majha in Marathi 

Watch the video

Thursday 11 March 2021

►Adani Ports To Spend Rs 10,000 Crore To Develop Dighi Port at at Dighi, Taluka Shrivardhan, Raigad.

Adani Ports To Spend Rs 10,000 Crore To Develop Dighi Port at Shrivardhan, Raigad.

Adani Ports and Special Economic Zone Ltd. on Tuesday said it has completed the acquisition of Dighi Port for Rs 705 crore and would invest over Rs 10,000 crore in developing it as an alternate gateway to Jawaharlal Nehru Port. JNPT is India's largest container port and is one of the 12 major ports in the country. Adani Ports completed the acquisition of Dighi for Rs 705 crore on Feb. 15, 2021. It became twelth port to join Adani’s string of economic gateways across the eastern and western coast. This would help establish the company's footprint in Maharashtra, it said in a statement.

This would enable Adani Ports to service customers in Maharashtra whichincludes the highly industrial areas and development in the Mumbai and Pune regions, it said. Adani Ports plans to invest over Rs 10,000 crore to develop the port into a multi-cargo port with world class infrastructure as well as investing in the development of rail and road evacuation infrastructure for seamless and efficient cargo movement, the statement said. The company will strengthen and repair existing infrastructure and invest in development of facilities for dry, container, and liquid cargo.

Dighi Ports will evolve as an alternative gateway to JNPT and will invite and support the development of port-based industries on port land, the statement said.
As per the terms and requirements of the Resolution Plan, the transfer of concession rights has also been approved by the Maharashtra Maritime Board and Adani Ports have settled the dues of financial creditors, MMB, and other admitted costs and claims, it said. The successful acquisition of Dighi port adds another milestone in the Adani Port's target of creating a string of ports to increase service coverage to the entire economic hinterland of India, Karan Adani, Chief Executive and Whole Time Director of Adani Ports said.

He said with the company's growth focus, experience, and expertise in turning around acquisitions it is confident of making Dighi port value accretive for stakeholders. The investment and capacity augmentation plan will be aligned with policies of the Government of Maharashtra for development of ports, associated infrastructure, industrial and socio-economic development in the state, he added.
Adani Ports is the largest port developer and operator in India with 12 strategically located ports and terminals representing 24% of the country's total port capacity. The 12 terminals include, Mundra, Dahej, Tuna and Hazira in Gujarat; Dhamra in Odisha; Mormugao in Goa, among others.

Courtesy: Bloomberg

Tuesday 9 March 2021

►500 km Coastal Road of Rs 3,500 crore from Revas (Near Alibag) to Redi Port (Near Goa)

500 km Coastal Road of Rs 3,500 crore from Revas (Near Alibag) to Redi Port (Near Goa)

500 km Coastal Road from Revas (Near Alibag) to Redi Port (Near Goa) of Rs 3,500 crore

MUMBAI: If all goes as planned, by 2025, Mumbaikars will be able to ride on a 500km scenic marine highway between Revas port towards Alibaug up to Redi port near Goa along the Konkan’s beaches and forts.

The MVA government in its maiden budget allocated Rs 3,500 crore to develop the existing single-lane state highway (MSH4) into a concrete two-lane marine highway on the lines of the US pacific coast highway. The widening work includes the addition of 30 km of bridges over creeks and rivers.

Justifying the project, which has been in the planning stage for about seven years now, deputy CM Ajit Pawar said while presenting the budget that the economy of the Konkan region depends on orchard development, tourism and fisheries, and hence a marine highway assumes significance to facilitate effective transportation.

The current single-lane road runs parallel to the coast along residences and markets. The proposed development will increase the road’s width from 18-20 metres to 45 metres.

Courtesy: TOI

Thursday 24 September 2020

►Ready reckoner rates hiked in Maharashtra; realty sector unhappy


Ready reckoner rates hiked in Maharashtra; realty sector unhappy


In a damper for the realty sector – which is already reeling under an acute slowdown – the Maharashtra government has hiked the ready reckoner rates by an average of 1.74% across the state from Saturday. The move will result in costlier properties, as the stamp duty is set to increase, apart from increasing the overall project cost for the builders.

The move has evoked criticism from the real estate sector on Friday, with most stakeholders terming the move as uncalled for, given the current unprecedented crisis caused owing to the Covid-19 and the ensuing lockdown.

The decision comes after the state recently reduced the stamp duty for a temporary basis to boost property sales.

Omprakash Deshmukh, inspector general of stamps and registration, termed the hike “negligible”.

“The average hike is just 1.74% across the state and this will hardly affect the real estate sector. We have hiked ready reckoner rates after more than two years and the rates are from the time of 2017,” said Deshmukh.

He justified the hike and said the increase in the rate in Mumbai was only 0.5 %, while for Navi Mumbai, Thane and Raigad the rates are revised to 0.99%, 0.44% and 3%, respectively.

Deshmukh said the hike was implemented after studying various aspects such as the stamp duty registrations, sales data, local surveys, visits to property exhibitions and major transactions conducted over the year.

Builders have condemned the hike as a “negative step”.

“How can we reduce prices when the government is hiking the rates instead of decreasing them,” said Sandeep Runwal, director of Runwal Group.

“All the factors such as premiums, stamp duty as well as income tax rates are linked to ready reckoner rates and this increase will have a cascading effect all across,” he added.

Anuj Puri, the chairman of ANAROCK Property Consultants, said the sector was looking for cuts in the ready reckoner rates.

“Hiking the ready reckoner rates limits the room for builders to cut down the real estate prices,” said Puri.

The ready reckoner rate is a guide published annually by the state government, which determines the rate of properties in a particular area, on which stamp duty and registration charges are levied. In addition, all calculations related to real estate whether it is premiums, tax collection or even Income tax matters related to the construction sector is dependent on ready reckoner rates.

Courtesy: Hindustan Times

►Maharashtra stamp duty cut a shot in the arm for real estate sector


Maharashtra stamp duty cut a shot in the arm for real estate sector

·         The Maharashtra government last week reduced the stamp duty on property registration by 3% from 1 September to 31 December 2020, and by 2% from January 2021 to March 2021

To revive demand in the realty sector, the Maharashtra government last week reduced the stamp duty on property registration by 3% from 1 September to 31 December 2020, and by 2% from January 2021 to March 2021. Earlier, stamp duty charges were 5% in key cities such as Mumbai, Pune, Nagpur and Nashik, while 6% in others.

According to experts, given the fact that many developers have rolled out or planning to roll out festive discounts, the move is likely to incentivise some of the fence-sitters to buy houses. “The reduction is technically like an instant flat discount on the cost of the property. A 2-3% reduction is significant if we consider the usual ticket size of a property purchase in a hyper-expensive city such as Mumbai," said Anuj Puri, chairman, Anarock Property Consultants.

Stamp duty is a state levy paid to registrar. It is a fixed percentage levy and is charged on the transaction value or circle rate (minimum price of a property as per government), whichever is higher.

So, for a person buying a house worth 50 lakh in Mumbai, a 3% reduction in stamp duty will result in a saving of 1.5 lakh, while for a property worth 1 crore, the savings will be around 3 lakh.

Given the fact that interest rates are at almost a decade low, reduction in stamp duty will further bring down the cost for homebuyers.

“Globally, governments are coming out with incentives to revive the demand in the sector. Australia announced a house subsidy of $25,000. Similarly, the UK announced an eight-month stamp duty waiver. Therefore, the decision to reduce stamp duty by Maharashtra government is a move in the right direction," said Tanuj Shori, founder, SquareYards, a tech-led real estate brokerage platform.

However, Pankaj Kapoor, managing director, Liases Foras, a Mumbai-based real estate research firm, has a different view. “The property registration in Mumbai Metropolitan Region (MMR) and Pune has shrunk around 30% of their pre-covid-19 levels. The government needed to bring in certain incentives to revive the demand. But stamp duty reduction alone may not be enough given the grim situation around jobs and increments. Maybe, a higher tax exemption against the interest payment coupled with discounts from developers may attract buyers," said Kapoor.

Courtesy: Livemint

►Get Ready To Travel! Now, You Can Book A Luxury Caravan Vehicle From MTDC!

Get Ready To Travel! Now, You Can Book A Luxury Caravan Vehicle From MTDC!

Locked down got you bogged down? We have the same feels! However, to make travelling around Maharashtra easier and more independent, the Maharashtra Tourism Development Corporation along with MOTOHOM has launched a camper vehicle.

Image Courtesy: Twitter/Aaditya Thackeray

The vehicle is a proper camper van which comes equipped with all amenities required for travelling like a kitchenette, a bathroom, space to sleep and a terrace. Taking to Twitter, Tourism Minister Aaditya Thackeray said, “Flagged off MTDC and MOTOHOM’s caravan vehicles for those who love their holidays in the outdoors and independently. Inviting those who want to spend their ‘’me time’’ in the wilderness, exploring the beauty of Maharashtra. All of us at the department are pushing ahead the agenda of Maha Vikas Aghadi Government to bring Maharashtra tourism on the global map for tourists.’’

While travelling in the camper vehicle, one does not need to book resorts or hotels or plan bus or train routes. This way, one also minimizes all the risk of exposure to COVID-19 by not stopping at public places. You can just drive anywhere and park the vehicle at an appropriate place. It is perfect for camping and enjoying the wilderness. Pet owners rejoice! You can even take your furry friends along on this caravan with you! The camper van can fit 5-6 people and the MTDC will provide parking space at their resorts for electricity and water. 

Image Courtesy:

MTDC has also launched an Innova which has been converted for the same purpose. The seat in the Innova can be converted into a bed and 4 people can travel in it. The car also has a portable fridge and a sports kit. The vehicles also have a waste disposal system which helps in getting rid of waste in a responsible manner without harming the environment. 

Image Courtesy:

The camper van can be hired for Rs. 20,000 per day and the Innova can be hired for Rs. 4000 per day. The Maharashtra government also plans to put in place a Caravan policy, this will be the second state to do so after Karnataka. 


Courtesy: Free Press Journal

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